How to travel the world and get paid for doing it

Jo Elliott
3 min readSep 7, 2019

Gap years have become more and more common over recent years, instead of heading straight to university, some students take the time to see the world, relax, kick back and destress, we deserve it after thirteen years of school! But for others, a gap year is more than a gap year, it becomes a way of life.

“But isn’t that really expensive?” you say. You would think so, but it turns out it doesn’t have to be, you can in fact get paid to explore, there’s a job for almost every student with wanderlust out there.

So if you are a student bitten with the travel bug but have no cash to fund your dreams, never fear! We have a handy list of possible ways you can see the world and making money doing it:

1. Teaching abroad

Sure, teaching isn’t for everyone, but if you love kids and want to travel, this could be the perfect combination for you! Obtaining a certificate in order to be able to do it can be done online and then the world is your oyster, as there are teaching opportunites everywhere! Plus you can have holidays whilst being paid during your time teaching! Sounds perfect no? You can do it alone, with friends, stay with host families, the sky is literally the limit with this one!

2. Be a travel guide

If you love people and really want to see the world, then this gig organising groups of tourists could be perfect for you! There are organisations such as Top Deck who arrange world trips for 18–39 year olds which you could join and have the opportunity to see locations all around the world, from America to Asia to Africa and more. Perfect for those who’d love to explore all the hidden nooks and crannies of a country and really get to know it well.

3. Volunteer

If you’re dying to give back and want to explore whilst doing it then volunteering abroad is a great way of doing that. There are thousands of opportunites across the world for student volunteers, doing everything from education to conservation to health, whatever your interest, there is a volunteer job for you! Opportunities range from a few weeks long to several months, and there are many organisations that offer these from GVI to Projects Abroad to Frontier, there is bound to be a project out there that suits your needs. If you want to make a positive impact on the world whilst you travel, this is definitely the option for you.

4. Snow jobs

If you love snow, then becoming a ski instructor could be your best option for a job abroad. And even if (like me) you aren’t a whizz on the slopes, you could still take in some snow soaked landscapes, with a job as a waitress, a bartender, a manager or a chalet girl, there are many more options than just tripping over your skis your entire gap year!

5. Au-pairing

For the teenage babysitters among you, this could be your chance to put that experience to use! As an au pair, you could have a place to stay, whilst being able to see a new country. Under the Tier 5 Mobility Scheme visa, you could get a job in Canada, New Zealand and even Australia. You can even register with Au Pair World to contact families directly.

6. Be your own boss

All you need for this is passion and a laptop! Take incredible pictures? Are a keen writer? Travel vlogging or blogging could be for you. It won’t make you money instantly, but if you creating interesting content and catch the eye of big travel companies before long you could get paid for travelling around the world and have a whale of a time doing it!

Originally published at

